Register your pet at your airline. Prices for transport vary depending on the airline and destination.
Find out about the entry requirements of animals into your destination country before you travel.
Contact your veterinarian to check your pet's vaccination status. A pet passport in which the vaccinations are recorded is mandatory. Unique identification of the animal is ensured by the implantation of a microchip on which all relevant data are stored.
Please bring a suitable transport bag or box with you for transporting the animal, which you can purchase from pet shops. No transport bags or boxes are rented or sold at BER Airport. When purchasing, remember that the animal must have sufficient space in accordance with the Animal Welfare Ordinance.
Cats and small dogs may be taken into the cabin in a transport bag. The size and weight of the animals may vary per airline.
Animals that are not allowed to travel in the cabin will be transported in the heated cargo hold of the aircraft. Please note on the transport box in advance important information such as animal name, address and telephone number.
Familiarize your pet with the transport container in time.
For the entry with pets (cats, dogs, ferrets) from member states of the European Union there are no official requirements. The entry of pets from non-EU countries is regulated by EU Regulation No. 576/2013.
Please note that you are required to register the pet when importing or re-importing it from a non-EU country, so that a document check or identity check can be carried out.
If you enter the country with pets that do not comply with the applicable regulations, you must expect that the animals will be presented to the official veterinarian at the point of entry for a fee and the animal may then be sent back to the country of origin, quarantined for several months or, under certain circumstances, the animal may even be ordered to be put to sleep.