Discovering distant lands and foreign cultures with children can be both interesting and exciting. Whether you’re taking the plunge off of a southern beach or watching the Northern Lights at higher latitudes, discovering colourful fish or trying exotic spices in the market: many exciting holiday destinations are within reach thanks to our direct flights from Berlin Brandenburg Airport. Once you’ve thoroughly informed yourselves about your destination, planned your flight properly, and explained to the children what they can expect when flying, there’s nothing left to do but board and relax. The best way to support your children is by maintaining a positive attitude and, above all, remaining calm and composed. We’ve put together the most important tips for your stay at BER Airport as well as flying with children.
As a family, use the separate security control in Terminal 1 in the middle of level E1. Explain to your child in advance about the plan and the importance of the security control.
Every child requires a passport from birth in order to fly abroad. A children’s passport can be used until the end of the 12th year of life. It’s important to check the validity of the document as soon as possible before departure. Children’s passports issued after 1 January 2021 are only valid for one year. In some cases, a visa and inoculations may be required.
Avoid very early and very late flights. Night flights are particularly recommended for young children. Children under two can fly on the lap of an adult, provided an extra belt is used. Some airlines offer baby cots for long haul flights subject to prior reservation. Children over two years of age fly in their own seat, which is priced at the children’s rate.
Save time and check in online through your airline in advance. This convenient option allows you to select the seats you want. Once at the airport, all you have to do is hand in your baggage and go through the security control. The amount of baggage you can take depends on your airline and the tariff you booked. A time slot can be pre-booked for the security checkpoint free of charge.
To support single parents traveling alone with at least two children under the age of two, our Mobility Service is available to you. Please register ideally 36 hours before departure by phone or in person at our Mobility Service desk to ensure optimal assistance.
On the day of departure, please proceed directly to one of the service points of the Mobility Service, located in Terminal 1 and Terminal 2.
Children’s prams and buggies that exceed a height of 25 cm must be checked in as oversized luggage. But you are welcome to borrow a buggy free of charge at one of 21 stations in Terminals 1 and 2 (while stocks last). You can pass through the security check with the borrowed device. Please return it at another station. In most cases, small children’s prams, such as travel buggies, can be taken to the aircraft.
Most airlines make allowances for additional hand baggage when travelling with a child. A favourite cuddly toy, toys and snacks are all useful items for the flight. Baby food and medicine are allowed in hand baggage and will be checked at the security controls. In addition, only liquid containers of no more than 100 ml each and 1 litre in total are permitted at security control. Passengers must pack their liquids in accordance with the guidelines in a transparent, resealable 1-litre bag.
After clearing check-in, baggage drop-off and the security controls, it’s time to discover the airport world with your small children and watch the aircraft on the runway. Children can let off some steam in Kids' Corner. Should you need to refuel before departure or pick up some lastminute items, both terminals offer a good selection of cafés, restaurants and shops.
Some airlines offer priority boarding for families. It is worthwhile to consider the benefits of early boarding. Finding something to distract yourself on board is everything. Some airlines offer small bags with toys. Long haul flights offer an entertainment programme for children. Due to the pressure in the ears, it’s advisable to give children something to chew during take-off and landing, e.g. chewing gum. Babys can be fed.
Travelling with small children usually entails a lot of baggage: baby food, cuddly toys and small toys are important hand baggage items and also have to go through security. This sometimes takes a little longer and requires explanation.
BER Family Lane, a separate entrance to security control for families with children up to the age of 5 in Terminal 1 at Security control 1 aims to make travelling with small children as smooth and stress-free as possible.
The entrance is located at security control 1 and is signposted. You can generally use any security control, whether in Terminal 1 or Terminal 2. All departure gates are accessible from each security control point. Our website, app and monitors at the airport show how busy each security control is. What is allowed in hand baggage and what is not? How can passengers help to speed up security controls? Find out more
In addition to the parents and the infant up to the age of 5, underage siblings and a maximum of one other person may use the service. All other persons should use the other entrances to the security control.
Flying alone as a child? This is often the only option if mum, dad or important caregivers live far away. Many airlines even make it possible for small children to fly alone by providing special care. Good preparation helps so that your child knows what to expect during their journey.
Individual airlines have different regulations as to the age at which children may travel alone. Most airlines allow children aged twelve and elder to fly unaccompanied. Five- to eleven-year-olds may only travel alone if they use the fee-based care service provided by the respective airline. Some airlines (e.g. Lufthansa) offer such care up to the age of 17 if this is requested by the parents or children. However, not all airlines, including many low-cost airlines, offer a special service where a member of staff accompanies the child. If there is no special service, children may actually only board the aircraft from the age of 16 (e.g. easyJet, Ryanair).
Some airlines do not allow tickets for children travelling alone to be booked online. If this is the case, you can book via the travel agency or the airline's Service Center or at the ticket counter. You must check in your child yourself before departure.
Please check with your airline in advance about the support service, as there are different regulations here as well. Essentially, the care service is responsible for the children before take-off, during the flight and after landing. Before departing, your child is usually handed over to the airline before the security control.
Children who transfer to another aircraft at BER will be collected from the aircraft and looked after by airline staff until their onward flight departs.
Upon arrival, unaccompanied children are handed over by the crew to local airport staff, who then accompany them to meet the people who are collecting them. The people collecting the children have to prove their identity with their identity card.
These documents should be carried by children travelling alone during the flight – preferably well packed in a neck pouch:
If your underage children are travelling with relatives or friends, please bear in mind that all persons granted parental authority must be able to present this evidence for the journey. The same applies if only one of the two people with parental authority is travelling. Take a written declaration of consent with you, which all persons with parental authority have signed. The following information must be included: Surname, first name, child's date of birth, reason for travel and the destination, the length of the trip and the chaperone with the name and details of all persons with parental authorisation.
It is best to pack the child’s baggage for the hold and their hand baggage with them. The child should carry their own hand baggage. It is important to observe the dimensions specified by the airline. Please pack warm clothing (for if it gets cold in the plane), snacks, some pocket money, a familiar toy and, if necessary, your child's mobile phone or tablet in their hand baggage. If your child has to take medication, it is advisable to provide a medical certificate in addition to the medication.
You would like to fly during your pregnancy? Enjoy a final holiday as a couple before your family life begins and everything changes? Why not. For women, whose pregnancy has no complications, flying is mainly unproblematic.
In a pregnancy without complications, flying poses no increased risk to health. If you feel generally well and healthy then there is nothing to stop you from flying. However, it is best for you to consult a gynaecologist before beginning your journey.
You can find information about the different travelling conditions for the pregnancy with your airline. Most airlines will fly pregnant women up to the end of the 36th week of pregnancy. This is also the case for the return flight. From your 28th week, you should bring a doctor’s certificate of airworthiness. Do not forget your maternity log, to serve as proof of your stage of pregnancy.
For pregnant women with cardiovascular problems, anaemia, fear of flying and tendencies towards premature births and miscarriages there is a higher health risk and therefore restrictions when flying. Medical advice is especially important in these cases. With twins and multiple pregnancies, it is only possible to fly until the end of the 32nd week with most airlines.
Many doctors advise against flying in the first 12 weeks, as during this time the embryo is implanting and not yet entirely stable. At the end of the day it is the pregnant woman herself who must go with her “gut feeling” concerning whether she would like to fly during this time. Expecting mothers usually find the second trimester the most comfortable time to travel. The weeks of morning sickness are over and the belly is a manageable size: a good time to fly.
The shorter the flight time the better. In this way you can avoid sitting for a long time and the associated risk of thrombosis. Many destinations in Europe lie within one or two hours of Berlin. If you would like to fly further away, compression stockings are recommended to counteract the risk of thrombosis.
You should also pay attention to the arrival conditions of the destination country and the medical provisions there. Some countries don’t allow expecting mothers to travel after a certain week of pregnancy.
Of course, you are familiar with the sudden hunger attacks that happen during a pregnancy. Pack some snacks like dried and fresh fruit or nuts. Plan for any unforeseeable waiting time due to delayed take-off or landing. Your hand baggage should also contain your maternity log and possibly needed medication. Please be aware that only liquids up to 100ml in a sealable 1 litre plastic bag may be brought on board.
Save time and check in in advance online with your airline. You can then comfortably choose your seats. Choose a seat in the first row or aisle. Please check the check-in and boarding times with your airline. Please go to the security control immediately after check-in. With some airlines you can check your bag in the night before with early flights. Wear comfortable clothes to travel in and, as the case may be, pressure socks against thrombosis.
Drink plenty of water, unsweetened tea or fruit juices. During the flight, stand up every now and again to have a little walk. Put your hand baggage in the overhead compartment so that you have room to move your legs. Place your seat belt under your belly.
Consult your gynaecologist before your planned trip. Once you get the green light, you are free to fly away on holiday!